Visiting and activities
Families and Friends
We encourage visiting by family members and friends and recognize its importance in maintaining the health and the social well being of the resident. There is no restriction on times of visits but we do encourage visitors to avoid those times of the day when their family member or friend may be involved in something else, lunchtimes is a good example.
Social Activities and Going Out
Residents are encouraged and supported in maintaining social contacts and in attending activities outside of the home. For some of our more vulnerable residents this may mean them being escorted by staff from the home. In addition, we do request residents and when appropriate their family member or escort to inform a senior member of staff when they are leaving the home and when they expect to return
To assist in the provision of care and support to residents the home has an Activity Co-ordinator who provides a range of activities and outings for residents.
These can include:
- Enjoying the company of other residents
- Entertaining guests
- Take pleasure in looking at the spectacular views
- Joining in activities
- Sitting quietly to read
- Watching television
- Enjoying the entertainment provided – singers, film shows etc.
In addition to the activities and the outdoor facilities at the home, Le Platon provides trips out on a regular basis.