Our purpose
The home was established in 1914 by Miss. Edith Renouf (MBE) and is the oldest residential home in the island. The home operates on a not for profit basis and is run by a registered charity.
Our purpose is to continue the work of the home’s founder, Miss Edith Renouf in providing a safe and caring home for people who are elderly and are at a time in their lives when they need care and support.
The home’s Board of Directors together with its staff will endeavour to achieve this by:
- continuing to maintain the Christian ethos of the home and its Chapel for religious services and a place for personal reflection and contemplation.
- continuing to maintain the home’s Charitable status.
- providing a pleasant, homely and caring environment in which residents can relax and feel confident that they are safe.
- maintaining residents in the home for as long as they want to stay. There may however be times when a resident requires specialist care that cannot be provided by the home. In such situations the home will provide the necessary care and support in ensuring a safe transfer.
- ensuring care and support is provided in accordance with the individual resident’s requirements, always ensuring that independence, privacy, dignity and their right to choose are respected and promoted.
- ensuring the building and facilities are maintained at a high level to meet or go beyond statutory requirements
- maintaining the finances of the home so that an annual surplus is generated, this to be sufficient to provide a reserve for major repairs or modernisation projects
- having in place, a range of policies that explain to staff, residents, their families and others associated with the home how the home will be operated in relation to the care it provides, how the home will be managed and other operational and financial matters.
- providing staff in sufficient numbers and skills to meet the aims of the home and those resident in the home.
- ensuring there is a staff training programme in place and that regular updates are provided on the home’s policies and procedures.