An Introduction to Le Platon Home
A tradition of caring
Le Platon is located in the Clifton area of St Peter Port, set on high ground just outside the boundaries of the old town. From its vantage point high up in the historic streets of the town, the home has stunning views over St. Peter Port, its harbour, Castle Cornet and its neighbouring islands of Herm and Sark.
The home was established in 1914 by Miss. Edith Renouf (MBE) as a home for the incurably sick and is the oldest residential home in the island. Miss Renouf donated all her personal wealth to the home. In later life she was awarded the MBE.
In 1927 Miss. Renouf established a Trust Deed that made provision for the appointment of a Board of Directors to have overall responsibility for the home after her death, this arrangement continues today. The Directors give their time freely, receiving no payment for their services.
The home is registered as a Guernsey charity and is registered with the Guernsey Registry and Guernsey Income Tax Authority and operates on a not for profit basis.